Inhibitor: Upgrade requires links in root directory to be relative

  아래는 CentOS 7에서 AlmaLinux 8, 9으로 판을 올리는 과정에서 "leapp preupgrade" 명령을 넣었을 때에 나타날 수 있는 내용이다. (ELevating CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 9 | AlmaLinux Wiki)

                     UPGRADE INHIBITED

Upgrade has been inhibited due to the following problems:
    1. Inhibitor: Upgrade requires links in root directory to be relative
    2. Inhibitor: Missing required answers in the answer file
Consult the pre-upgrade report for details and possible remediation.

  /var/log/leapp/leapp-report.txt 파일에서 자세한 내용을 볼 수 있다.

Risk Factor: high (inhibitor)
Title: Upgrade requires links in root directory to be relative
Summary: After rebooting, parts of the upgrade process can fail if symbolic links in / point to absolute paths.
Please change these links to relative ones.
Remediation: [command] sh -c ln -snf var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
Key: 3d895ad37ceaf4157864d439edb6bd75562061fa
Risk Factor: high (inhibitor)
Title: Missing required answers in the answer file
Summary: One or more sections in answerfile are missing user choices: remove_pam_pkcs11_module_check.confirm
For more information consult
Remediation: [hint] Please register user choices with leapp answer cli command or by manually editing the answerfile.
[command] leapp answer --section remove_pam_pkcs11_module_check.confirm=True
Key: d35f6c6b1b1fa6924ef442e3670d90fa92f0d54b

  루트 디렉토리(뿌리 자료방)의 심볼릭 링크 문제는 위의 경우에는 "ln -snf /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap"로 풀 수 있다.

  두번째 문제는 "leapp answer --section remove_pam_pkcs11_module_check.confirm=True" 명령을 넣거나 /var/log/leapp/answerfile 파일을 고쳐서 풀 수 있다.

2024/08/07 13:03 2024/08/07 13:03
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